nov. 18. | Egyéb, Motorok

The first of these specials, the Brutale 800 RR „Ballistic Trident”, was presented last December at the Hot Rod Custom Show in Yokohama and has achieved International acclaim, thanks to viral success of the public and of the most influential blogs in the industry. The Ballistic Trident project, commissioned by MV Agusta Taiwan to Winston […]

The first of these specials, the Brutale 800 RR „Ballistic Trident”, was presented last December at the Hot Rod Custom Show in Yokohama and has achieved International acclaim, thanks to viral success of the public and of the most influential blogs in the industry. The Ballistic Trident project, commissioned by MV Agusta Taiwan to Winston Yeh, founder of Rough Crafts (, workshop with headquarters in Taipei, pays tribute to the first supersports of the last century MotoGP, characterised by streamlined ‘dustbin’ fairings, a stylistic feature that the Taiwanese designers wanted to reinterpret on this incredible ‘canvas’. At the Motor Bike Expo the Ballistic Trident will proudly displayed at booth 12D (Hall 1), at the space of Rough Crafts.

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